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Veteran I didn’t go to Harvard I went to Vietnam shirt

Veteran I didn’t go to Harvard I went to Vietnam shirt dictatorship will literally cause a civil war that would result in the people overthrowing the government and would allow the creation of a new state headed by Bernie Sanders. Paul Ryan has just given up at this point. The Republicans could of stopped Trump they could of had him disqualified because he violated FEC guidelines and federal law by soliciting donations from foreign elected officials but it would of caused the party to split up. Hilary will win though and the main goal now is just to make sure that they can hold Congress after Trump loses. People are angry. They have an itch that they just can’t scratch and it’s making them mad. When you’re that angry, all you need is for someone like Trump to come along and exploit it and facts cease to matter. People finally have an explanation for that itch and anyone who doesn’t see it is the enemy.

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