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Official Veteran-Not the veteran’s wife shirt, hoodie, guys v-neck, sweatshirt

What’s funny when you watch the video is how completely botched this raid was. Veteran-Not the veteran’s wife shirt. They didn’t stack up right, they didn’t clear the door at all. They would all be dead if he’d wanted to kill them. He had a rifle in his hands. The safety was still on when the EMTs brought him outside. The wife will say it took an hour, but even the police acknowledged that there was a “long delay” before letting the paramedics into the house. FUCK YOU. There were over 6 SWAT team members in that video. If you tell me it took you over 10 fucking minutes to search every room in a house. I’d say you were full of shit. There was no reason to hold paramedics off for an entire hour while you watched a man bleed to death on the floor of his own home.

Click to here: Official Veteran-Not the veteran’s wife shirt, hoodie, guys v-neck, sweatshirt
Source: Rugby club t-shirts

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