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Official police my job is to protect your ass not kiss it shirt, classic guys, tank top, ladies tee

Like most things, start with some googling, and go from there. Official police my job is to protect your ass not kiss it shirt. See if you can find someone who practices that you can ask questions of. Read books. And… tread gently. The Rada, Petro, and Ghede families all have their little quirks, and it’s always best not to anger any of them. When you first said a man all in black with a tall hat and a cigar, I thought she might be seeing the Baron. I’m not as familiar with Papa Ghede, but I’m glad he was watching over your girl. It’s wise that you repaid it by watching over his follower and making offerings. Well done. Papa Ghede is more a title though, for the head of the Ghede. And the head of the Ghede is Baron Samedi. The rest of the Ghede are separate aspects though. Of course, it could be a difference in Haitian vs creole practices. They’re not identical, and I am mainly knowledgeable about the latter

Buy this shirt: Official police my job is to protect your ass not kiss it shirt, classic guys, tank top, ladies tee



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